Long-term investmentsFixed assetsIntangible assetsCash
答案:Long-term investments Fixed assets Intangible assets
implementation team
答案:implementation team
These are the things that we want to achieve when we carry out the project.
答案:These are the things that we want to achieve when we carry out the project.
the sequence of activities
答案:the sequence of activities
Secondary data is something that seldom fits in the framework of the marketing research factors.Accuracy of secondary data is not known.Data may be outdated.
答案:Secondary data is something that seldom fits in the framework of the marketing research factors. Accuracy of secondary data is not known. Data may be outdated.
答案:specific measurable achievable relevant time-bound
what we think or hope will happen in the general context if the project is successful
答案:what we think or hope will happen in the general context if the project is successful
Warm-up Activities I. Starting up A. Decide from your common sense which of the following is a myth, a legend or a fable. Then compare them with your partner’s。
Physical resources
答案:Physical resources
measuring outcomes
答案:measuring outcomes
staff who have new qualificationsa new computernew uniforms
答案:staff who have new qualifications a new computer new uniforms
SWOT (strengths,商务英语任书梅版课下答案,weaknesses,opportunities,好用商务英语教程答案,and threats) analysis is a framework used to evaluate a companys competitive position and to develop strategic planning.
答案:SWOT (strengths,weaknesses,opportunities,and threats) analysis is a framework used to evaluate a company s competitive position and to develop strategic planning.
graphsscenario analysissensitivity analysis
答案:graphs scenario analysis sensitivity analysis
一、英语听力 1-5:CBAAC 6-10:ABCAB 11-15:CACA 16-20:BABBC 二、阅读和理解 A篇21-23:DB B篇24-27:CACD 三、英语完形填空 41-45、DACBD 46-50、ACBDC 51-55、BADBC 56-60、AADCB 四、纠错 61、除掉a
有几篇的讨论题,不知道该如何解释,通常是找不着做题的目标和答题文件格式,答案能给个提醒就可以了。此课后练习题答案相对应的教材内容信息内容如下所示:标题:感受商务英语 综合教程 第3册 创作者:感受商务英语改写组 出版社出版。
future negative unforeseen effects
答案:future negative unforeseen effects
the present value of money
答案:the present value of money
marketing strategy
一、单选题 二、中译英 三、翻译句子
答案:marketing strategy
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Opportunity costs
回答:Opportunity costs
回答:realistic fact-based data-driven
goals and targets
回答:goals and targets
The concept of present value states that an amount of money or cash in the present day is worth more than receiving the amount in the future since todays money could be invested and earn income.
回答:The concept of present value states that an amount of money or cash in the present day is worth more than receiving the amount in the future since today s money could be invested and earn income.
segmenting industrial customers
回答:segmenting industrial customers
Are you prepared to make the commitment to reach your target?Your goal and your commitment level should match up.If not,is there a more achievable target you are willing to work for?Are you willing to dramatically alter or at least adjust aspects of your life?
回答:Are you prepared to make the commitment to reach your target? Your goal and your commitment level should match up. If not,is there a more achievable target you are willing to work for? Are you willing to dramatically alter or at least adjust aspects of your life?