

赋能网 2023-05-16 69

BEC-商务英语初级-4-advertising/delegating 威海市成人学英语找威海沃尔得

Part one:

你好,根据我们的掌握现在对于商务英语培训费用是按照学时收取费用的,均值一节课20元,具体要看你需要上多长时间,学到何种程度 每一次考试费以ETS官方网站最新消息为准,报考每一次扣除考试费参照(含口试费)BEC初中级:约360元人民币 BEC初级:约

Advertising on the web

Imagine you have a new product

or a new service

and you want the world to know about it.

One way would be to write the advertisement onto ten or a hundred or a thousand pieces of paper

and drop them from the sky over your town or city.

Someone on the ground might pick one up and read it.

Maybe two or three people.

On the other hand the wind might blow them away.

distribute派发 leafletˈliːflət/宣传单 on the street

Now imgaine doing the same thing but this time throwing them into the air with adverts for every other product or service in the world.


You probably wouldnt do it,would you?

Well,unfortunately(:unluckily),初级英语培训班英语,that&39;s like to advertise on th internet.

Trying to make your product,service or website known to the ret of the internet community

can be very,very frustrating(:feel annoyed and impatient).


Not only making it known,Bec中级培训价钱,but getting visitors to actually visit the site can seem impossible.

But there are ways to overcome摆脱 the impossible when advertising on the internet,as long as you follow three rules.

pop-up ads弹窗广告

Rule number one,bec初级培训机构哪家强,the first thing is to remember that people use search engines百度搜索引擎.


So whenever some one types in a keyword linked to your business,BEC初级教学资源,your site needs to appear in the top 50 or so listings in all of the major search engines.

Any lower and no one will ever find you.

My second rule is that its a good idea to spend some useful time and effort on getting your links on other sites.


This is an excellent,though尽管 very time-consuming用时 way to increase visitors.

You can do this by sharing your links with other companies,so they have a link on your site and you put one on theirs.

Or perhaps,through a site review which recommends your products.

[j样英文]在讲商务英语层面挺有方法,重视实战演练实际操作,每一家都不太一样,可是学习英语要几万元,有点儿太夸张了 一个套餐内容出来,2000多,到5000多,看基本有一些基本好一点的两三千 去 《j样英语》要三千到六千前后。


Also remember that the more links your have elsewhere其他地方,bec初级分析班,the more likely people are

to find you through a search engine.

My third tip is never to pay for advertising on the web. I think that unless除非是 you have a very good reason有足够的原因,its a waste of money.

With so many ways to get free advertising,Iv found every little reason基本上没理由 to pay for things like banners横幅 to promote my site.


So those are my three starting points立足点、突破点for anyone (thinking of web advertising). And don&39;ve got people visiting the site,then you can invite them to subscribesəbˈskraɪb定阅 to your newsletter时事通讯.

Part two:

As a manager,how to delegate受权 the work?

As a new manager you have to step back from our old roleand move into nw responsibilities.

This involves包括、涉及到 delegating many of the jobs you used to do.

Here are some tips on how to do it.

华浦BEC 华浦BEC商务英语刚到初级签订班 提升商务英语写作能力和日常交流水平,可以用英文解决日常工作中,了解各种各样商务接待运行,开展商务英语口语笔尖沟通交流,帮助你更好地了解公司要求及公司文化。从而达到BEC初级水准,入校签订。


1.Delegating is not an excuse接口 just to give away the jobs you dont like. Prioritise praɪˈɔːrətaɪz/给...评优先等级the work that you no longer不会再... have time or even the ones that someone else might do better.

2.Make sure its something they can do but at the same time will challenge考验 them. Be clear that you have chosen them for their particular特定 skillset.

3.Focus on the objectives(:goal) and let the personwork out(:figure out) how to arrive there. They should manage the whole process全过程 and feel that they have the control.

4. Explain your expectations期待、预估 clearly,even to the point where you ask the person to repeat back to you what they think is expected.

5. If you keep checking up on them,theyre bound to make mistakes. once the work is delegated,walk away and let everyone get on with着力于、继续干their new role. Be available but not controlling.

6. Although you need to let go,it doesn&39;s going on. Agree on dates for regular reports and face-to-face progress进展meeting.

7. Thank and compliment people throughout the process but not to the point where it sounds insincere. At the end of a project celebrate everyones success as a team.
