
商务英语综合教程1,商务英语综合教程1 课文翻译

赋能网 2023-05-16 88

Unit 1 Going,going,gone?


这套教材内容为第二版,是英国Summertown出版社出版依据22年剑桥大学测试联合会对BEC考纲的最新修订为著录,用现代商务主题活动为素材内容,具体内容和考试联络 市价:¥43.0 湛蓝价:¥35.7 节约:¥7.3 90体验商务英语综合教程1(附MP3)创作者。

夫下英文核心,思德英文性介比非常好.好.,课程内容操作性强,发展快,有网上就可学习英语,何不做一个轻轻松松口语测试体验一下吧,如有协助还记得评我最好哦 ~、帮我赞一个再讲。咳咳咳,先背单词 并不是死记硬背的,大声读出去。

《商务英语》(上、下册)谢毅斌 编,对外经贸大学出版社出版 2005年8月 英汉语对比研究 《语言学教程》,胡壮麟 等编,北京大学出版社,2001年7月 《应用语言学》,桂诗春 著,湖南省人民出版社。

Will eBay’s unique relationship with its consumers become a casualty of the auction site’s success?



1 Meet the People‘s Company. Like a democracy,it can be a noisy place where citizens sometimes think (that) [the people in charge] have no idea what they’re doing. But at eBay,商务英语综合教程1 课文翻译,the online auction site,the people are in charge. Its customers — the 70million buyers and sellers who trade here —have the kind of influence [that most consumers and businesses can only dream of]. It’s true,eBay has a business model that doesn’t require carrying any inventory. But the real secret of eBay’s unlikely success is this: it’s a master at capturing the awesome communications power of the Internet,(a master at)tracking customers’ every movement so new products and services are tailored to just what they(=customers) want.

1 了解群众企业。如同民主国家一样,它可能是一个噪杂的区域,中国公民有时候觉得责任人不清楚他们在做什么。但是对于网上拍卖网址eBay而言,大家自己承担。它客户——在这儿买卖交易7000万买卖双方——有着大部分用户和公司心心念念的知名度。确实,eBay的运营模式不要准备一切库存量。但eBay这般取得成功的真实窍门取决于:这是捕获互联网技术令人钦佩的数据处理能力大师,追踪客户的一举一动,便于依据用户的需求为客户量身定做新产品与服务。

剑桥大学商务英语视频教学,整套的,可以下载的,画面质量也很好,我就学习,我只是下一些放我PP里,让你处网站地址,自己去下咯,呵呵呵 ~ http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMzA2NjEzMTI=。

2 eBay’s customers are its product development,综合性商务英语1电子档,market research,merchandising and sales department —all rolled into one. It’s not just that they have made eBay into a global marketplace for almost anything. from a $1 baseball card to a$4.9m Gulfstream2 jet,eBay’s customers also tell the world about eBay by word of mouth. They crowd online discussion boards,share tips,point out glitches,and lobby for changes. eBay’s customers even police (巡视,管控) the site by rating each other. Imagine a retailer trying to do this: interview every single person leaving every store,post a list of what each thought of the shopping experience,ask them to write up a merchandising plan and call suppliers to arrange deliveries — and oh,by the way,could they keep an eye out for shoplifting? That’s (they keep an eye out for...) what eBay’s customers voluntarily do each day.

一、《MARKET LEADER体验商务英语综合教程》 内容概述: 《体验商务英语》系列产品教学资料为学生带来了全新升级的学习方法,则在体验中学到商务英语,从而提升应用英语开展商务人际交往能力。

2 eBay的客户则是产品研发,市场调研,营销和销售部 - 这所有的一切都融为一体。这不仅是因为她们已将eBay成了市场销售基本上其他东西的国际市场——从1美金的篮球卡在使用价值490万美元湾流牌喷气飞机,eBay的客户还能通过口耳相传向全世界有关eBay的信息。她们挤满在线讨论板,共享提醒,强调常见故障,并劝谏开展变更。eBay的客户乃至根据彼此定级来监管此网站。想象一下,一家零售商尝试这么做:访谈每一个离去每一家店铺得人,公布一份对于每个人买东西体验的观点明细,要他们写一份产品销售方案,综合性商务英语1课后答案,并打给经销商分配配送——哦,顺便说一句,他们能够注意进店偷窃吗?这便是eBay的客户每日自行干的事。


3 Back in 1995,when Pierre Omidyar unveiled Auction Web,he had much more in mind than simply helping his girlfriend trade Pez dispensers. He aimed to create a market for a wide range of goods,but with a difference. “I wanted to give the power of the market back to individuals,” says Omidyar,his biggest breakthrough was the Feedback Forum,a rating system that makes it easy for buyers and sellers to grade each transaction. Amazingly,it works. And positive ratings,which translate (转换,变换) to more sales,keep people from going to other sites.

3 早就在1995年,当皮埃尔·奥米迪亚(Pierre Omidyar)发布拍卖网时,她的想法不单单是协助女朋友市场销售Pez糖块调节器。他的目的是为各种各样产品创造一个销售市场,但是各有不同。&34;Omidyar说,他较大的创新是意见反馈社区论坛,这是一个定级系统软件,使买卖双方能够轻松地向每笔交易开展得分。有意思的是,它是很合理,商务英语综合教程1电子教材。而积极主动的定级,会转换为众多市场销售,并阻拦人们去其他浏览器。

4 Some of its most effective ways of getting user input,though,don’t depend on the Internet. Since early 1999,eBay has regularly flown in groups of sellers and buyers to its headquarters in California to interview them,asking for their views on new features and policies. The result: fewer problems. Even when something does go wrong,eBay can respond quickly. They can essentially negotiate with 50,000 users at once and make it work,” says Munjal Shah,王立非商务英语综合教程1电子档,CEO of Andale.

4 但是,一些最有效获取客户资金投入的形式并不依赖互联网技术。从 1999 年初开始, eBay 就定期开展商家和顾客组队飞到美国加州总公司访谈她们,了解他们对于特色功能跟新制度的观点。结果显示:更低的难题。即便出现了问题, eBay 也可以快速采取行动。"她们能同时与 5 万只客户谈判,并使之取得成功,“Andale4 CEO Mun jal Shah 表明。

5 Most of all,eBay simply watches. Almost all of its fastest-growing new categories grew out of observing seller activity. After noticing random car sales,eBay created a separate site called eBay Motors This year,eBay expects to gross some $3.8bn worth of autos and parts — many of them sold by dealers. lt’s the way ofthe future,says Bradley Bonifacius,Internet manager at Dean Stallings Ford,Inc.

5 最重要的是, eBay 就是单纯地观查。绝大多数增长最快的新兴品牌都源于eBay对商家主题活动的分析。在留意到随机事件汽车市场销售后, eBay 创建了一个名叫 eBay Motors 的独立网站。在今年的, eBay 预估汽车及零部件总营业额大约为 38 亿美金,其中很多由代理商售卖。福特汽车汽车维护保养企业的网络主管 布莱德利.博尼法西斯主义 说:这也是未来趋势。

一、英语听力 1-5:CBAAC 6-10:ABCAB 11-15:CACA 16-20:BABBC 二、阅读和理解 A篇21-23:DB B篇24-27:CACD 三、英语完形填空 41-45、DACBD 46-50、ACBDC 51-55、BADBC 56-60、AADCB 四、纠错 61、除掉a

6 eBay business is the company’s latest offering; a new site providing businesses with an e-commerce platform. It’s exciting new territory — and dangerous (territory). Many rivals aim to be the biggest places for e-commerce,too,商务接待英语综合教程1回答unit2,and some are making fast progress. But there’s a bigger question. Can eBay’s values survive such grand ambitions? Omidyar worries that the growing participation of large commercial sellers could dilute eBay’s unique culture. “If we lose that,we’ ve pretty much lost everything,” he says. eBay’s people power made building a business simple compared with everything [conventional companies must do]. Keeping in touch with all those customers from here on won’t be easy.

6 eBay 公司业务是该企业新推出的一个新的网站,为用户提供一个电商平台。这是一个令人激动的新领域,都是充斥着可怕的新领域,商务接待英语综合教程1听力题目。很多竞争对手也是把目标制定为变成电商较大服务平台,而且有一些竞争对手正在不断发展。但还有一个更严重的问题。eBay 的观念如何在那样深远的欲望中生存下来?Omidyar 担忧愈来愈多的大企业商家的参加,会淡化 eBay 与众不同的文化艺术。“假如我们丧失了那一切,我们几乎失去了一切,”他说道。和传统企业务必做的一切对比, eBay 人力资源使创建一个企业更加轻松。从今天开始与这所有的一切消费者保持联络并非易事。

