

赋能网 2023-05-17 57






学为贵雅思9分大神班赵颖伦语法(高清视频)百度网盘 链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1GANfjgHAMHN2o0rX24dOSg 提取码: 4671 复制这段内容后打开百度网盘手机App。






学为贵雅思9分大神班赵颖伦语法(高清视频)百度网盘 链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1GANfjgHAMHN2o0rX24dOSg 提取码: 4671 复制这段内容后打开百度网盘手机App。

一、可以报一些专门进行雅思培训的培训班 很多的人如果英语水平极差的话,那么他在准备雅思考试的时候,肯定就会觉得无从下手。在这种情况下,如果不想浪费过多的时间,报一个专门进行雅思培训的培训班是一个最好的选择。


学什么,做什么,都得有一个计划,每天给自己定一个小目标,比如,今天要记住300个单词,20个经典句子,系统做一套真题等等,知道自己每天要收获什么,既然勇敢选择了远方 便只顾风雨兼程,英语基础很差怎么考雅思。如果自制力很差,那就强烈建议你选择报班,进行系统的学习,跟着专业老师,英语不好的人应该考雅思吗,学习效果要更好一点。







1.What does friendship mean to you?

Friendship is of great importance to me because I believe that it lays solid foundation for many of our relationships. Husbands and wives,for example,should be friends. In addition,I need friends to help me when I am in trouble. I know this sound selfish,but I feel that it is one of the reasons why I have friends,and they would not mind me saying so. In turn,my friends know that I willalways be available if they turn to me.

2.Do you have a lot of friends?

Yes,I have a lot of friends. Some of them are only casual friends like my friends at work,but I also have some best friends who I have known for many years. I will do anything to help them when they need me,and I know they would do the same for me.

3.Do you prefer to be alone or to be with friends?



I prefer to be alone. Please allow me to explain. I like reading,which takes a lot of my time. Reading to me is a way of studying,so I have to do it alone. I often have to check the meaning of unfamiliar words in my dictionary,英语零基础可以直接学雅思吗,which is a slow process taking a lot of time.

4.Do you prefer to be alone or to be with friends?

一、学习的动力 有兴趣,有目的,自然就学的快,反之就会慢,在雅思听力学习的过程中也是这样。将雅思听力备考当成是提高英语听力水平、适应外生活的一种方式,这样在学习中就充满动力,进步的自然也很快。


I prefer to be with my friends. Please allow me to explain. At work I spend most of my time alone in my office. So after work I like the company of other people. I often invite some of my friends over,and we listen to our favorite music,没有英语基础的人考雅思,or just chat the whole evening.

5.Do you prefer to be alone or to be with friends?

It depends. Sometimes I prefer to be alone. For example,after a hard day at work I just want to relax without anybody disturbing me. Those are the times that I might meditate on the meaning of life for example,or just savour some fond memories. On the other hand,英语很差考雅思可以吗,sometimes I want to be with my friends. For example,over weekends,I like to go out with them and enjoy their stimulating company.

6.What do you usually do with your friends?

We do a lot of things together. Visiting net bars is one of them. We go there to play computer games or surf the net to have a chat with young people abroad. We often spend hours there at a time. The other interest we share is to play basketball. We usually challenge another group to play against us.

7.What do you usually do with your friends?

We usually go to the movies. My friends and I like cartoons very much,so we find out in the newspaper where a new cartoon is being showed and go and watch it. In addition,we like to watch a good action movie from time to time. We find the spectacular crashes and explosions very exiting. These movies are from Hong Kong or Hollywood,and have famous actors like Arnold Schwarzenegger and Tom Cruise playing in them.
