

赋能网 2023-06-04 174




今天是星期天,上午我闲得没事干,就到爸爸的眼镜店去瞧瞧。 店里没什么生意,我就玩起了电脑。我玩啊玩啊,从上午九点玩到了中午十二点。爸爸说:“吃饭了。”我不假思所的回答:“吃什么吃,没看我正玩得高兴吗?”“人是跌,饭是钢,一顿不吃饿得慌。”爸爸着急的说。我可不管爸爸说什么呢!气愤地说了一声:“别吵了行不行,没看到我在玩吗?”说完,我又继续玩电脑,玩到下午三点,我的肚子饿得咕咕叫。我轻声的问:“爸爸,有吃的吗?”爸爸跟我耍小孩子皮气,说:“没看到我在做事吗?没长眼睛啊。”我想了一会儿,觉得爸爸的情形和我刚才的行为非常相似,我后悔极了,结果是饿得我头昏眼花。




One day such a thing happened again. While I was greeting that beautiful girl, a crazy idea came into my mind that I decided to keep on talking with her though I didnt know her. Luckily, we had a pleasant conversation for ten minutes. But when saying good-bye to each other, we both suddenly found she had mistaken me for my elder sister. What an embarrassing experience it was!


1、文章要有明确的主题,必须具备4个条件:准确、鲜明、深刻、集中。以作文“The English teacher I Admire Most”为例,文章的主题是关于记叙我最欣赏的一位英语老师,因而就不能泛泛谈论老师这一职业或自己的几位老师。




My college life was very vivid and interesting, because I attended so many after-class activities that greatly enrich my college life.

  For example, as I was a sophomore, there was a big English party in our department. My classmates encouraged me act the queen in the play because they thought me good at acting. At first, I was very shy and kept refusing, but with their continuous encouragement, I decided to do it well, so I was dressed up like a woman.

  When I appeared on the stage, things happened miraculously. Everyone burst into laughter and clapped their hands happily. Therefore, from that time on, I was well known in our department. I was very prideful at that time, because it was the first time that I had made it.


It can be expected that there will be a breakthrough in life sceience and space science in the 21st century First, scientists will conquer incurable diseases through the transformation of genes


With the same technology they can breed new species of animals and even human life in the laboratory Most important of all, they can decelerate aging and prolong life


Besides, permanent stations will be set up in the moon or other planets or stars so that scientists can make a thorough study of the moon and other planets or star




why is it unforgetable?

what do you do



Kobe Bean Bryant (born August 23, 1978(1978-08-23)) is an American All-Star shooting guard who plays for the Los Angeles Lakers of the National Basketball Association. Bryant is the only son of former Philadelphia 76ers player and former Los Angeles Sparks head coach Joe "Jellybean" Bryant. His parents named him after the famous beef of Kobe, Japan, which they saw on a restaurant menu.


today is a fine day,i go to my grandma’s home with my sister.


walk in the road,we are very happy.because we can visit my kind of grandma.in my earliest memory,my grandma is very great and kind.  

as time goes by,we get to grandma’s home.grandma is very happy,she said: "oh,my grandson and my granddaughter .get to home.hurry!hurry!" we walk to home and sit down.  

"it’s time for lunch."my grandma said.although the lunch is only have vegetables and rice,but we still think it is very delicious lunch in the earth.  

i can eternal remember this lunch.


I live in a happy family with my father and mother.

we are all very busy all the day except before dinner.We have the same habit:having a walk。we always walk slowly and chat with each otherAs father often say :“After dinner is my happiest time。And only then I feel I am the happiest person all over the world。”Yes ,by walking not only can we relax ourselves,but also can have a good body!


在学校发生的一件后悔事     学校生活是五彩斑斓的。有好事,有坏事,有开心事,有不开心的事,同学之间也会闹矛盾但总会被解决,我今天要说的就是发生在我自己做错的一件事。     一天中午,许老师和杨老师在谈话,我只听到了几个字,却添油加醋的把这件事了告诉许伊宁,说许老师怎么说你不好,害的许老师被许伊宁误会,这全都怪我,我不应该把没有听清楚的话就告诉许伊宁。后来真相大白了,许老师知道是我把没有听清楚的话就乱告诉别人。许老师也没有批评我,我在想:真是一时糊涂,铸成大错,在这里我要对许老师说一声对不起。希望许老师能谅解我第一次做错了事,     这件事让我刻骨铭心,难以忘怀。真是做了一件最后悔的事,以后我一定要改正,说话实事求是,尊敬老师,同学之间互相团结,互相邦忙,好好读书,认真做事,学好本领,长大以后做一个社会有用的人。我爱我的校园!


这件事使我难忘  这件事发生在去年寒假的一天。  “宝贝,家里没做饭,今天咱们吃盒饭吧。”屋里付出妈妈地叫喊声,我高兴地答应了。“今天好好不舒服,盒饭你去买一下,好吗?”我一听,一下子就不高兴了。这么冷的天,又要跑这么“远”的路,烦死人了。但是,我没办法,只好从妈妈的衣袋里取出10元钱,刚要出门,妈妈又嘱咐道:“外面冷得很,多穿点衣服,小心着凉。”我无精打采的(地)“嗯”了一声,戴上了手套,便走出了家门。  风呼呼(地)的刮着,树枝东摇西摆,仿佛要掉下来了一样。我哈了一口气,心里想:这天气,怎么这么冷呀!  我拿着10块钱奔向饭馆,只见饭馆里挤满了人,我夹在人群中间,那滋味可不好受啦,挤哄哄的。啊!总算轮到我啦。我要了一荤两素,两盒米饭,付了10元钱。负责盛饭的是一个上了年纪的奶奶,她帮我装好了饭菜,打好了包,我拿起饭盒便走了。  快到家了,忽然听到背后有人在喊:“小朋友,等等……小朋友,等一等……”我停下脚步,回头一看,咦,这不是那个盛饭的老奶奶吗?她怎么来了?只见老奶奶越走越近,跑到我面前,气喘吁吁地说:“小朋友,你的钱……钱,还……还没找呢!她用冻红的手递给我4元5角,说道:“把钱放好,别弄丢了。”说完,又把我的衣服一裹:“把衣服裹好,别着凉了。”我连谢谢还没来得及说,老奶奶已经转过身去,缓缓地向饭馆走去。  我手里拿着找回的钱,望着老奶奶那晃晃悠悠的背景,半天说不出话来。  风还在猛烈地刮着,树叶还在飘着(树枝还在摇着),我低着头向家走去。
